Stories from the abyss of my imagination has just been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, so a BIG thank you to Sania from Embracing Dawn!!!!
I really appreciate the nomination and I am super excited to nominate 15 blogs but i actually only have 3 new ones I enjoy, so here we go:
1. Embracing Dawn
2. Make-up by Bextacy
3. Short Motivational Stories
7 Facts about me:
1. I love to write
2. Cooking relaxes me
3. I am in LOVE with Galaxy Cookie Crumble
4. I am obsessed with make up and nail varnishes
5. I wish I could wear heels everyday but sadly I don't have the greatest sense of balance
6. I have a beautiful black and white cat
7. One day I would like to own a black horse
If you're one of the nominated blogs above, here's what you need to do next:
-Thank the person who gave you the award
- Include a link to their blog
- Select 15 bloggers and nominate them for the Versatile Blogger Award
- Share 7 things about yourself in your post
- Include this set of rules in your post
- Inform your nominees